
Hallo friends dear readers good night and prosperous especially investors. On this occasion I want to tell you today about a viable project. At this time, there is such a situation in the world market due to lack of vehicles. Studying the transport sector and transport business, it is possible to notice that absolutely all businesses in the transport sector and promote work closer to people and have virtually no effect on the solution of traffic problems.

The digital revolution has changed our lives to be more comfortable and comfortable in many aspects. The global sharing economy has reached $ 18 billion by 2017, is expected to reach $ 335 billion by 2025. Uber and Airbnb are two great examples of what can happen if you enable peer-to-peer economies between user communities. However, they are limited to two areas that require certain services, transportation and lodging. Imagine you can turn everyone into a service provider for just about anything.


RedCab LLC is a fast growing company with futuristic technology and business models in the transportation space. From the technical aspect to the business model, a dedicated research team spends the entire year researching to gather needs, find a market gap and assess potentials with a clear understanding of customer requirements and customer experience.

The RedCab Group LLC has seen a sensible open door in the transportation business because of its remarkable plan of action to adjust business goals and client needs, enforced by a solid, specialized stage.
Blockchain technology is regarded as the backbone of this business model from providing secure transactions and contracts quickly; it perfectly blends with our business model to deliver a managed and decentralized managed transport management world to people who are ready to serve individuals and support the business.
By changing the operating model of the centralized model that is currently used to be a complete decentralization model; RedCab has great potential in competing with large funded players in peer-2-peer transportation spaces. By strengthening local operations and global scaling, offering customers a transparent and less cost-effective business model, but increasing returns for drivers, maintaining a community-driven governance model on quality, safety, and customer experience; no longer need to think that time will be the only challenge between Redcab and market share.
How does RedCab Solution work?
RedCab is a decentralized transport response for people using Blockchain innovation for effective and safe exchange. Then again, sparing billions of dollars from transportation commissions to be compensated back into the environment ensures business support and advancement through front-line innovation, performance management, and customer loyalty. Our business model is designed to ensure smooth market penetration through a lean and reliable process, and our scoring and reward programs ensure a loyal and productive community. With variations in tariff calculations from one country to another and even from one city to another, RedCab LLC has managed to keep this tool flexible to change the best pricing formula without price spikes or high fares in holidays or bad weather.
How Transport Can Affect My Income, my time.
1. Global Reach
One of the key aspects of our business approach is global reach, so we need to make sure that our App suits different languages. Our app will be supported by more than 6 languages and connect to global maps to match and cover different user experiences, as well as our diverse car choices and categories covering all travel needs of the road. 16 We also integrate shared travel routes with a friend or family member to make sure they are used by different age groups including children monitored by their family members for better security and security.
2.Travel on schedule
To gain better insight into our customers’ behavior, and our sense of urgency when it comes to time savings for business travel, and how we plan network dominance and workload balance, We Empower our Apps with pre-schedule options and highlight these features. You can manage your entire schedule by planning your trips through timers and notices, it’s easier to catch your plane, attend your meetings, or events without fear of missing.
3. Carpooling
Carpooling is one of the main features that RedCab Supports through our Applications with metropolitan cities and busy places as our main target. Fewer traffic congestion and splitting fare up for lower costs. Use carpooling by creating a ride and invite the nearest arrivals or traveling companions with a multi-drop off and take a location. The same machine that drives geo push ads will match riders according to personality traits based on their profile that makes the journey as comfortable as possible. If you’re someone who likes to chat with new people, or if you prefer a quiet ride; RedCab will help match you – as much as possible – with drivers and drivers sharing the same approach to life.
4. Luxury Travel
The luxury travel feature will enable the business persona to enjoy prestigious travel experiences for work, meetings, hotels or airports and at the same time we plan to use them as ad features that partner with top-class car manufacturers to provide hands-on experience with luxury cars while in the same time promoting top-class service to special customers who are always looking for unique and special skills.
5. Peer to Peer
Peer to peer feature is the normal standard feature offered by most car-hailing services. You can book a ride and get the closest driver. This is the feature most widely used by customers worldwide, that’s why RedCab LLC has decided to give the world a new business model to make it useful for drivers and more beneficial for customers by offering the lowest possible price. Thanks to fantastic Blockchain technology, we will also provide a global decentralized secure utility through our wallets and utility tokens.
6. Marketing Proof
Marketing Proof is based on MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) strategy and it uses algorithms similar to those we will use in Driving Proof ©. This concept basically applies to customers, and rewards them with tokens as long as they refer the App to their friends and family, and as their network grows, they are rewarded for every mile driven by their reference to 3 levels.
Example >> Customer A uses RedCab Application to move around. They refer X and Y friends to the RedCab Application. Their X friend refers to Q and W, and their Y friend refers to K. Q refers U, and K refers P. Now the tree will look like this.
7. Network Domination (Supply & Demand Balance)
One of the key challenges facing Application services encountered is to bridge the gap between rides and available drivers, trying to minimize the driver’s ideal time in 1-hour intervals while minimizing customer waiting time to request a ride to as low as 3 Min SLA. The available models adopted by the car service calling apps seem to be close to balance, but they are not. To take advantage of more cars at peak times, they offer high prices for customers as a solution that keeps customers spending more money in the long run if you count in random and average random rates on the total number of trips completed. They also get more drivers with what they call “buy drivers” which means paying a guarantee & bonus to open Apps. Such an approach spends huge sums of money during idle time, which ultimately has to be compensated from customers again at a later stage, or even “buy customers” to offer more demand for drivers through free rides and coupons, which also weigh on even more business money that should be rewarded again, otherwise the entire business will dive. This gives us the simple fact that the drivers’ earnings do not include their initial investment of car start-up costs, maintenance and operating costs, and customers pay more money to enlarge the car service that cuts Apps’s gains while being cheated psychologically.
Troubleshooting: Why RedCab?
Many start-ups have been increasing in the market recently to solve transportation problems. Most of them succeed as business, but nothing works without damage to social security.
Despite the fact that technology has bridged the gap for transportation needs and has managed to solve some problems in the last 10 years, this leaves us with some models of copycat business without iteration or innovation. Customers are not only looking for trendy services, but looking for truly reliable services with sustainable quality and safety, offering all transport options and services at low competitive prices, and because customers do not like to be abused; so on a rainy day, or a day with heavy traffic; The “high price” rate is not a good move.
Details of Ico
– Pre-Sales: Starts June 1, 2018 at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on June 21, 2018 at 11:59 GMT with the novice investor getting a 15% Bonus until the amount allocated is sold out or terminated phase.
– Major Crowd-Sale Start Date: June 22 at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on August 15, 2018 at 11:59 GMT.
– Currency Received for Sale Token: Ethereum
– Token Name: REDC
– Token Type: ERC20
– Exchange: 1 ETH = 2333 REDC
– Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
– Buy Min: 0.1 ETH = 233 REDC
– What exchange will REDC be listed? REDC will be listed on a regulated exchange and has reserve evidence, including the globally recognized Korean, Japanese and other major exchanges.
Token Distribution
– 9% Team and Founder
– 3% Advisor
– 1% Bounty
– 7% Private Sales
– Presale 15%
– 25% Reserved for Proof-Of-Driving & Proof of-Marketing tokens.
– 40% Mass-sales
– 29% Product Development
– 41% Marketing, Acquisition, and Partnership
– 13% Management & Advisory Board
– 11% Admin and Operation
– 6% Law
Budget Allocation Overview
– 29% Product Development
– 41% Marketing, Acquisition, and Partnership
– 13% Management & Advisory Board
– 11% Admin and Operation
– 6% Law
The Partners
In certain projects, partnerships play a very important role in achieving project success. The following is Red Cab’s partners.
After reviewing the related facts about this project, I must say that this is worth the investment for 2018. Strongly recommended.
For information and participation with this project please visit the link below:
AUTHOR: oi pantura
my Address: 0xd43Cca8e69570E9195374D0104cd8446fc9eAbE9

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